Applications for the organization of EUCMOS 2027 (XXXVIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy) are welcome.

Required Information

The applicant for organizing EUCMOS 2027 has to provide the following information in the submitted proposal:
a) Place and dates of the meeting.
b) Structure of the organization and members of the local committees, with brief CV's of the main organizers.
c) Scientific Programme draft, with list of lecturers that have already accepted to participate.
d) Description of the existing facilities at the congress planed site, and accessibilities.
e) Registration fees and details on accommodation.
f) Expected (or already granted) supporting institutions and sponsors.
g) Information on Abstracts Book (type of publication).
h) Any other information that can be useful for the EUCMOS Steering Committee to judge the excellence of the proposed meeting.

How to Apply

Please send the application, providing all required information to the President of the EUCMOS Steering Committee, by e-mail (

DEADLINE for application is 1 July 2025.

The final decision on the bid will be taken at the EUCMOS Steering Committee meeting to be held during EUCMOS 2025.

Resolution by the EUCMOS Steering Committee, 21st August 2018